National Trust Database - Search Results

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Displaying 1- 3 of 3 records found
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Ficus platypoda

Desert Fig

St Kilda City Hall, Brighton Road,, ST KILDA VIC 3182 - Property No T11150

Location or Context: A tree which occurs in a unique location or context and so provides a contribution to the landscape. A very attractive and large tree in a prominent location. It dominates the front lawn outside the St Kilda City Hall. The tree is in excellent condition and its compact dark green foliage is particularly attractive. Measurements: 1987 Spread (m): 28 Girth (m): 5.58 Height (m): 26.7 Estimated Age (yrs): 100 ... more



Ficus platypoda

Desert Fig ,  Toromeo

Koroit Botanic Gardens, KOROIT VIC 3282 - Property No T11225

Horticultural value Contribution to landscape of historic garden. Rare or localised. Outstanding size Outstanding example of species. A tree of State significance. Very dense canopy with almost perfect symmetry and a prominent feature in the landscape. Ficus platypoda, is also known as the desert or rockfigand is endemic to central and northern Australia and Indonesia. The fruit can be eaten when soft and ripe Unfortunately the tree has ... more



Ficus platypoda var. angustata

Cedar Fig

Geelong Botanic Gardens, Eastern Beach,, GEELONG VIC 3220 - Property No T11601

Tree which occurs in aunique location or context and so provides a contribution to the historic garden or park; Outstanding size: A very large tree with several enormous limbs forming the crown. The tree is a dominant feature in the landscape .The tree may require future cabling Removed Measurements: 2/09/1989 Spread (m): 17.4 Girth (m): 5 Height (m): 22 Estimated Age (yrs): 120 Condition: Removed Access: ... more

